Thursday, September 1, 2016


It has been stated previously that the term-range chickens is different from free-range chicken. Range chickens is one of the varieties of domestic poultry Adri most recognized by the public. This type of chicken has spread almost throughout plosok homeland. Definition of domestic poultry over the whole chicken instead of race or country other than broiler and layer chickens. Thus, it is classified into types of domestic poultry is the kind of range chickens, kedu, Nunukan, pelung chicken, or some are entering into this class of ornamental chickens. More details can be found on chicken kelaurga scheme.
 In addition to the above understanding, some are using the term range chickens for some kind of free-range chicken. Kedu domestic poultry such as chickens, chicken Nunukan and other types of chicken are often categorized into class-range chickens.
 Apart from these two concepts, system management range chickens in the first sense, not in the sense-range chickens as a synonym of the term free-range chicken. However, it helps us know ayam kampong other types that are not categorized as a range chickens because in principle management is almost sam with chickens. However, to facilitate classification, naming distinguished.
 Besides the range chickens, chicken is also good as are laying chickens and chicken kedu Nunukan. Both types have the capability laying chickens higher than usual range chickens. Olehkarena it, for its development, the type of chicken is pretty well used as laying hens. However, in obtaining the seed, be especially difficult because of the spread of both types of chicken is still local.


 From the table it appears that the productivity of chickens kedu and Nunukan higher than usual range chickens. This is reflected by the peak of production that can be achieved by kedu chicken and chicken Nunukan higher, ie 75% for black kedu chicken and chicken kedu 72% for white and 62% for chicken Nunukan. While the usual range chickens peak production only reached 55%. Although the numbers are still below the peak of production of broilers 87%, but the figure of 75% achieved by the chickens kedu a fairly high production figures for domestic poultry.

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