Sunday, September 18, 2016

business start laying chicken from doc

for chicken farming, this method is still rarely done. the problem is the scarcity of specialized entrepreneurs who provide doc laying chicken. but today the tendency to commercialize sales of chicken laying DOC already noticeable. there are some breeding company who started the business. especially after is supported by the amount of seed required chicken continues to increase from year to year.
besides being its own way to start a business, this activity is a continuation of the previous way of starting a business (by buying chickens producing eggs hatching and buy eggs hatching), ie, after the eggs hatched, further activities are as follows:
1. choose a female doc

chicks are hatched until the age of 2 weeks still say doc, which means day-old chicken (although age is more than a day). doc immediately removed from egg incubator after his fur dry.
Chicken separation of males and females need to be done due to the effort required laying hens only females only. separated sooner the better. if allowed to continue together, impair growth hen.the growth of male chicks is generally faster than hens and feed purposes is also faster than a hen. roosters tend dipeliharan as a broiler or stud.
There are two ways to see the difference between male and female chickens.
  •      see cloacal region cock anal
  •      pay attention to the characteristics of the outer body

The first way to do earlier that a few days after the doc reared in cages postal. but the weakness in this way is more difficult for the chicken.

while the latter is easier to do, but it takes about a month, will be known gender.

read more: observation eggs
2. pay attention to the cloaca

the apparent differences in the male and female chicken cloaca lies in cloaca roosters that have one small point, while the females do not exist or at least not only the line-shaped. There are signs that point at the bottom of the cloaca. different forms, there are slightly oval as a grain of rice, or round. small in size, roughly as a needle. The new after two weeks old sign was slightly enlarged to 1/4 mm.
pay attention to the characteristics of the outer body

male and female chicks newly revealed differences in the physical signs outer body after a month old. although at first there was little difference, but the difference is not too clear.

doc females usually can be directly maintained as chicken laying. while the male doc kept as a stud and broiler. but this depends on the destination desired business production, aimed at businesses laying chicken or a combination of laying hens, roosters doc can be sold or maintained separately.

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