Thursday, September 8, 2016

a factor determining the location of manufacture henhouse

a farmer must consider the factors of good breeding site selection so as not to interfere with the public convenience,among others: social, environment and economic.
  •  social factors

before building the farm, which needs to be considered is the feasibility of the chosen location, whether disrupt the comfort of people around or not. this needs to be considered carefully, especially if the location is in the residential neighborhood. large scale farming, a location like this obviously can not be used while on a small scale, with good handling such a site could still be used.
 chicken farm locations should not be too close to residential areas. it is quite reasonable because the business of raising chickens of course also affect the surrounding environment. especially if the management is not good, the effect will be more visible, including water pollution and air pollution like the smell of seared chicken excrement and dirty dust can interfere with the public. but with good management, such as the negative impact this could still be avoided or at least be minimized.
to plan a farm site, should be considered first master plan for the local area. to obtain this data can be asked directly in local government. of the data may be known to the planned use of existing locations in the area intended. will thus avoid the possibility of building the plant in areas that are not appropriate. for example build farms in residential areas so that eventually had to be dismantled prematurely. This step would also ensure the survival of the business in terms of the law because in accordance with the procedure.

  •  environmental factors that influence and availability of food

in selecting the location of the chicken farm to be considered are environmental factors and food availability. environmental factors in question is the state of the business environment that supports the cultivation of laying chicken. chicken farms should be in a location that is wide enough, the air should be fresh, and the circumstances surrounding it quiet. if the location of the farm is located in a noisy area, such as near the airfield, the productivity of chickens will be disturbed because the chicken is experiencing stress.
availability of food, especially natural feed is an important consideration in determining the location because the feed is the part that requires the greatest costs. to obtain natural food that depends on the circumstances surrounding area. in rice fields or near the rice mill, rice bran is usually pretty widely available. but such artificial feed and forage grower quite easily obtained because the layer is available in the market. although the location of distant markets, purchase of feed available directly and in large quantities to minimize costs because the cost of transportation becomes less.
  •  marketing factor

Another important factor to consider in selecting the location of the farm chicken laying eggs is the market for sale. this is very important because the cost of transporting quite expensive. the transport of eggs from the farms to the marketing requires intensive treatment, considering the eggs prone to rupture during the trip. especially if the damaged road conditions, transportation must be done more carefully again. olehkarena the farm site should not be too far away place marketing and the road conditions are not too damaged.
in practice often farmers are faced with a number of considerations, there is a location near a marketing however far or difficult to get food or vice versa. in the face of these conditions need to be considered economic considerations. whichever is greater marketing costs or the cost of buying feed. having known each cost component, preferably selected is the location with the lowest cost.

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