Thursday, September 8, 2016

manufacture cages of laying hens

one treatment that causes chicken can be used as laying hens is an intensive procurement system. during this chicken is more extensive use of enclosures, namely enclosures used in the rain and at night, the rest of the chicken diumbar granted. sometimes there are using a semi-intensive cage that intentionally provides umbaran page.

read more: a factor determining the location of manufacture henhouse

 procurement of cages for laying hens depending on the stage where the business started. if his business started from purchasing aircraft, required three types of enclosures, namely enclosures pengahsil parent seed, doc cage until 3 months old chicks and battery cages. if his business started from buying hatching eggs or doc, it takes just a doc enclosure and battery cages. simpler if his business with the purchase of seeds it only takes a single battery cages.
to make a chicken coop, to consider the terms as follows:
  •  the position of the cage is about 10 m from the residence
  • cage must gain enough sunlight to prevent the emergence of lice and germs
  • should cage longitudinal position from east to west
cage should be enough to get the breeze or fresh air to dissipate the stench so that the chickens remain healthy
  • cleanliness inside and outside the enclosure must be maintained.
routinely cage should be cleaned of dirt left in a cage. dirt that falls under the cages should be cleaned and collected. besides the cobwebs to be cleared.

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